Week 5 Tutorial.
The tutorial was an introduction to theme groups, my theme group tutor is Yvonne and our theme is 'learning from nature'.
Our goal for this week and onto week 6 was to tackle the site problems, look at the issues, and do a site analysis. Following that (week 6-7) we would need to come up with a metaphor for the folie.
Our brief includes the following points:
- there is no specific learning process, we decide but whatever way we choose to get people to learn needs to be investigated, argued and portrayed effectively.
- Our site analysis should focus on environmental studies, social situation, politics or multiculturalism or something like that.
- we need to read the site - take it as a friend and describe its physical characteristics, its personality.
- I want to look into textures and the politics and history of the time, possibly also the views and vistas, macro vs micro scale derived from the largeness of the cliff and the smallness of the folie.
During the yvonne talked about polar bears and zebra's and how these animals have particular bodily functions and natural mechanisms for allowing them to survive. We are expected in a way to adapt some of these natural characteristics from, anaiamls, plants or the environment and work them into our design.
I should still keep with the memories metaphor used in the folie.
I must decide on whether it is an informal or formal learning space.
I also need to look into how people learn throughout the city and what they use to learn.
Following that Yvonne wants a 30 sec statement on our folie and 2 folie precedents to show the group.
I am still a bit confused about the metaphor and about the site analysis.
I have done a site analysis looking at how people learning, height differences ect. I am not sure how to look into issues of multiculturalism or society.
Unless social/political issues of the site include the floods, the war, the deaths off the bridge and the contention over the use of the site in which case we addressed all of these things in our folie.
So far 5 key words to sum up my folie are
- memories
- lightness
- shadows/projection of shadows
- interactivity
- human movement
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