Tutorial Feedback and Reflection:
In the tutorial I discussed with Yvonne my concept, metaphor and function.
My spaces function - is to be a ZEN space, a space for meditation, relaxation, reading, peace, silence, serenity, a place that will utilise water probably through public and private pools and include open spaces, private spaces and spaces allocated specifically for some activities such as a yoga, while others are free spaces to be used in any way.
My concept - I look at the parameters of light, shadows and views (these were part of the folie). I intend to use light and shadow in the same way/concept I used for the folie, that is, using light and shadow to activate the space, the human shadows and reflections from the water activate the form and the architecture, the shadows become a part of the form, they are amplified movements and they activate the "invisible people" and the memories of the site, as the shadows are ghostly, when we concentrate on them they are eery and remind us of floating souls, floating memories. Part of the shadows, light and water is to create a strong experiences and a heightened sense of awareness, its function is a reflective space, a peaceful space and this is also how we do our learning, through utilising basic design elements such as light and shadow we are able to create a very strong, rich sensory experience that helps us to learn about the site and the sites turbulent past in a way that is subtle, there is no text or projections involved you learn from your state of mind. It is to be a sanctuary away from the city, that is IN the city.
My metaphor - I want to look at views. Using platforms (maybe) I can capture views, using framing I can focus on particular views. I want to also challenge these views. Change the perception of views, for example we always view water horizontally in lakes, in rivers. I may use water vertically or as a ceiling. I am considering also as a metaphor using bio mimicry, look into how animals have alternate perceptions such as fly's and how they experience differently. Another possible avenue when investigating bio mimicry may be how animals are informed by their environment or because the site is a very noisy site, look into how nature absorbs noise.
These are all ideas I discussed with Yvonne, she is happy with my concept but wants me to find a suitable metaphor for bio mimicry to make it that bit stronger. At this stage she does not seem incredibly concerned with floor plans, sections, ect. She wants me to focus on this metaphor but I will try to achieve both or at least come up with another design idea as I have been getting stuck on this idea of platforms.
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